First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Mailing Address
Local Church You Attend
What are your dietary requirements
What is your t-shirt and sweatshirt size? SMLXLXXLXXXL
As a part of our program, there is a $200 payment to join (this just represents a portion of the overall cost - the Intermountain District will sponsor the rest of the cost). Would paying a one-time $200 payment be difficult for you? If there is difficulty, we can find ways to help with this payment. YesNo
As a part of our program, there is a $200 matching sponsorship we hope your local church can supply. What is your comfort level in asking your pastor to have your local church commit to a matching sponsorship of $200? Very ComfortableSomewhat ComfortableNot Comfortable
Do You Work Full-Time or Part-Time? Full-TimePart-TimeNone
Are you a student? YesNo
Why are you interested in the Lead Young leadership development program?
How do you feel God is calling you?
We will call you to set up a 20 minute conversation. We are excited to get to know you more. Anything else you want us to know about you for our call?